Four Advantages Of Tablet Menus For Restaurants

Many restaurants have been switching over from traditional menus to tablet menus. Not only do tablets give customers full control over what they order, but they also improve responsiveness and allow for exploration of a more complex or innovative menu. Here are some of the major advantages to tablet menus. 1. Direct Connectivity to the Point-of-Sale System Rather than having to ask for and tabulate a check, the menu system itself will do it for the customer. [Read More]

Choosing A Strong Password For Your Business Phone System

If you have a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) business phone system in your office, you need to a strong password to keep your system secure. After all, VoIP phone systems are digital systems that are connected to your company's internal network. They operate using the Internet, which makes them susceptible to hackers. So use these tips to learn how to come up with a strong password that's easy to remember. [Read More]

3 Tips To Prevent Employee Theft In Your Bar

If you own a bar, you might know just how important a good bartender really is. Not only do you need someone who you can count on to take good care of your customers and mix up great cocktails, but you also have to have someone who you can trust. One thing that you have to worry about is employee theft, but luckily, implementing these three tips can help you prevent employee theft in your bar. [Read More]

It's Not Just The Main Equipment In Your Factory That Needs To Be Calibrated

If you run a factory, you know you have to keep the equipment in top shape, and you know that one of the best ways to do that is to ensure all of the equipment is calibrated properly. But it is not just the factory floor equipment that you need to worry about. There are other items in your company that need calibration, too, and these are often overlooked. The result can include inaccurate documents, personal harm, and faster degradation of the working environment. [Read More]